Celebrating 100 Years of AAUW in Monmouth


AND 140+ Years of AAUW Nationally

 About AAUW

We are tenacious and trailblazing —
advocating for women and girls since 1881
and into the future!

AAUW’s Mission

Advancing gender equity through research, education and advocacy.

 AAUW’s Values

Intersectional. Inclusive. Intergenerational. Empowering.

     Though we are nonpartisan, we are not values-neutral: We fight to remove the barriers and biases that stand in the way of gender equity. We train women to negotiate for pay and benefits and to pursue leadership roles. And we advocate for federal, state and local laws and policies to ensure equity and end discrimination.

New or Renewing Members (after a 2 year or more lapse) can join AAUW for half of National dues if application and payment is made at a branch event ($55 instead of $91.) College students may join anytime for annual dues of $18.81.

For more information about Monmouth Area AAUW, email aauwmonmouthil@gmail.com.